Knowledge-based engineering, information and communication technologies for manufacturing
AVAILAFACTURING - Development of a tool for the management of Technical Assistance Service Networks for the availabili
Big Data application at MAnufacturing industry
CAFMA - Development and testing of an innovative, easy-to-use, low cost, fast and accurate CADCAM system in the field of furniture manufacturing
Cloud-based Maintenance IIoT Platform for Smart Manufacturing
Compact Multitasking Measuring Machine for agile implementation of Zero Defect Manufacturing into automotive supply chain
DAS-NAG - Data Acquisition System and Numerical Analysis for Geotechnics
DATAMARE - DATA acquisition integrated system for UAV Monitoring of maritime and coastal Environment
DeLas - Development and Ramp-up of automated Laser Assembly
HSWP - High Speed Wire Plant
Knowledge-based System for Welded Structures and Technologies
Make to Order Fast and Smart Scheduler
MEMS 37 PHY TEST-Mass production machine for mems physical test
Microgrippers as end-effectors with integrated sensors for microrobotic applications
PrOduct usage KnowlEdge with ioT
Rapid Evaluation of Distortions in Welding Structures
ROBOBUILD - Articulated robot with independent 3D-motion for precise positioning operations
Rolling Mills Advanced Control Solution
SOLE-CUT - Shape memOryaLloys for stonEmaChining and compUter aided Technology
SoMaMicSens - Development of soft Magnetic Microwires with GMI effect for Micro-Sensors
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